J'adore Beauty Bar & Lounge - Jenny

“I basically grew up in the industry as a second generation. My mother was in the Esthetics industry for over a decade and I gradually just followed in her footsteps not knowing how much I really enjoyed being in the industry. I studied business and entrepreneurship then eventually took a course in aesthetics but working with my mother is where I got the most learning experience from.

LIVE! on Elgin - Jon & Lawrence

“We have a great deal of respect for each other and what we bring to the table. We have our areas of expertise and are careful not to cross the lines into each other's territory.  I learned early on to leave everything pertaining to music to Jon. He knows the biz, he knows the people.  That's the line in the sand.  There is not real final say.  We discuss, weigh pros and cons, and compromise based on what's best for the venue.  We are 50/50 partners in every way.  Granted, we don't have much social time together!  One of us is always here.”

Shoebox Studio - Samuel

“I always say “the photograph chooses the paper” or the more holistic “let the image tell us what it wants to be on”. This is a way of saying that not every paper/medium is suited for a particular image. As a printer, I want to create a print that communicates an image’s message as effectively as possible. Things like texture, warmth, brightness all come into consideration.”